Beyond the Word

Knowledge is Power

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Surrendering all?

Surrendering all? It comes in the form of  a question because the thought is frightening. It is really what I want and what is the trend out there, and not for anyone to decide for me. Unless I meet up on some barrier on the way, then I may decide to get some advice or help.

In light of this, what kind of surrendering are we referring to? It is surrendering our life, our all… and everything to God. And in the scheme of things who are most guilty of not embracing this frightening requirement? Christians are. And why? Because we sing it, we tell others about it and we hear it more than anyone else. So there is an awesome responsibilty on us as Christians… To whom much is given, much is expected.

We try to reassure ourselves about this surrendering thing, but it is so hard, we are just not there yet. It is so because the road God is pointing us to is never one that is popular and will not be embraced by our friends parents, children, associates and even our own brothers and sisters in Christ. The journey you are about to embark on is not always clear, as you are not sure where it is going to take you. You will even encounter struggles on the way. But if you are steadfast and obedient, accepting it by faith, the end result will be more than you could ever ask for. Abraham never knew where his journey would take him, but he trusted God and took his journey by faith.

On the other hand, you go ahead and make your own choice, own decision, and everyone is happy. They will say: “This is the path you are taking?… I think it is a great idea, and you have my full support all the way!” “I know you can do it; just remain positive.” Here we go again: Positive thinking… Not faith! Perhaps this  may just work well for for you for a while, but many times what the world embraces often leaves us unfulfilled, unhappy and stressed out. Then you end up having to make another attempt, and hopefully with God as part of the plan this time around. Otherwise you end up in circles; around and around and around again. No resting place.

We have seen it all the time. Those who start out on the lonely road, those who are isolated for their choice… those who make decisions that are unpopular are vindicated in the end. And the book of wisdom teaches us: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” – Proverbs 3:5-6. (KJV).





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How do we practise hearing from God better?

As a Christian you want to experience spiritual growth, joy, happiness, and God’s blessings overall. All this may not be possible if you do not know how to practice hearing from God. The ability to hear from Him better depends on how much you are willing to take time to listen. There must be total surrender of your thoughts, will and purpose to Him. It also requires a deeper and closer relationship with God. You must diligently seek after His righteousness and lean on the scriptures for guidance.

Taking time to listen
In the same manner that Jesus took time to listen to God’s next plan for Him, and what God requires of Him, we can also follow this example. Generally, as Christians we tend to do a one way communication with God. We do all the talking and we do not give Him a chance to speak to us. We do not practise moments of silence in order to hear what His plan is for us. During our quiet time is an opportune time to restore the two way communication with God. Make your supplication known to him and wait for answers.

His answer may be yes, no or wait. In some of our situations He will answer within a short period, while in other cases you will have to wait on Him. Patience is therefore required in the process. We must always be willing to accept when the answer is not what we are expecting as God knows what is best for us. It is important to note that we sometimes hear from God through situations in our life and from other persons conveying a message to us. Therefore we must be attentive and recognize when this is happening.

Total surrender
Giving up our self-will and allowing God to take full control and direction of our lives, is one of the most difficult part of the Christian life. We always believe that we know what is best for us. The interesting thing about surrendering ourselves to Him is that He tends to take us through a journey combined with the bitter and the sweet. Not many persons are able to persevere in such circumstances. When the bitter part of this journey tests our true abilities and trust in God, some persons end up quitting in the process, and lose out on His blessings.

If we insist on holding on to what we want and not what is God’s will for us, then He will allow us to have our way; but we must accept whatever consequence may follow. It is only through surrendering every aspects of our lives to God that we are better able to hear from Him, and in hearing from Him, act on what He desires of us. We must demonstrate that we are willing, before God is able to use us for His Purpose. One way to help us in the surrendering process is fasting. Making this sacrifice of giving up something, intensifies your focus on Him, and shows that you are serious in allowing Him to fulfil His purpose in you.

Relationship with God
Establishing a growing relationship with God is essential in hearing from Him better. This principle is simple when we compare it with our own personal situation. In your relationship with persons you interact with on a regular basis, it is obvious that the person with whom you have a closer relationship, whether it is your spouse or best friend, this individual is the one you are better able to understand and would be willing to share any experience or information. So is the reciprocal relationship with God. The closer and deeper this relationship is the more you are able to maximize your returns.

Pursue God’s righteousness
It is seeking after God’s righteousness that He will increase His favour towards you; and scripture supports this (Matthew 6:33). We may fall out of grace sometimes, therefore we need to confess our sins regularly and ask for His forgiveness to improve or restore the communication link. He will hear and grant your requests, according to His will for you. The law of living is simple, what you put in is what you get. The more you give the more you get. The more you do His will and seek Him the more He will hear you, and the more He will extend His blessings to you.

Studying His scriptures
The only way we are able to know and understand what He requires of us, and to know how to better hear from Him is through His scriptures. They serve as guidance in your daily living. His words provide wisdom and insight. Familiarity with the scriptures provides a means of meditation and draws us closer to Him