Beyond the Word

Knowledge is Power

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‘To the Ends of the Earth’

It is absolutey a thrill that my most popular blog to date is “How to explain Salvation to a non-believer.” My blog site is now two years and counting. In March 2015 it all started and this particular blog came a few months after, and for every continent in the world and all the countries one can think of, someone somewhere there has viewed this blog nearly everyday. Certainly there is an interest to reach others with the gospel, and they want to know how to achieve this effectively. Not taking it lightly!

It is a great and wonderful feeling to know that in this manner I could be assisting persons in their desire to reach out to the unsaved. There are so many ways we are able to witness to others whether directly or indirectly. This is a very productive and meaningful way to use technology. This is what Jesus intends: “But you’ll receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you’ll be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” Acts 1:8. Indeed, to very continent of the earth. To God be the glory!

What is it we can do with the resources and the various tools at our disposal? It is an opportunity to bring blessings to the kingdom of God. Thank God he has led me in this manner. And may God through his Holy Spirit use me even more to do wonders for his kingdom.

Second to this blog is, “Take the case and give me the pillow”. It is so people will know how to treat with the various challenges and stressors of life that tend to overcome us at times. So it is comforting to know that you can give these cases to God and in exchange he extends sweet comfort and rest as a pillow does. “Turn it over to Jesus and everything will be alright” – The Counsellor and Prince of peace. We can be a witness as a counsellor by taking time to give a lstening ear to someone; share and offer care and support. Demonstrate to others who Jesus is!

The ways of witnessing utilizing a holistic approach.

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Ministry Matters

The Greek word for “Ministry” is diakoneo, meaning “to serve” or douleuo, meaning “to serve as a slave.” Jesus is the one who sets the example of ministry in serving others as service unto God. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” – Mark 10:45.

Through the C H R I S T inspiration here is why Ministry Matters

C – Ministry Matters because it is the Christian way of life

H – Ministry Matters because Humanity depends on it

R – Ministry Matters because Relationships are formed

I – Ministry Matters because it is our means of Identity with the kingdom

S – Ministry Matters because our Salvation depends on it

T – Ministry Matters because it is the Training ground to accomplish greater things!

Interesting inspirations as this one, and more from daily devotional – Devotions on the ROCK. The first edition available at: in print and kindle.

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Our Inheritance

In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory – Ephesians 1:11-14.

What are the details of this inheritance that Christ has given us? This encompasses all of what Christ did during his time spent here on earth and his death and resurrection.

While here on earth the Son of Man built up a legacy of good works, humility, compassion and ultimately sacrificing his life, giving us the free gift of eternal life. His example is our inheritance. We are called to exemplify all that Christ represents. Accepting Christ and believing, grant us the free gift of salvation. Through the Holy Spirit given to every Believer this inheritance is guaranteed to the praise of his glory. This inheritance is already predestined, only for us to take possession of it. It’s there… just take it! No payment, no probate of will, no stamp duty, no document transfer or transfer fees, no lawyer, no legal fees. No stress. Nada. Nothing! Free!

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How to explain salvation to non-believers

Salvation may be defined as freedom from the power of sin. In this way you are saved for eternal life. You are no longer lost to sin. Explaining salvation to a non-believer the main aim would be to assist such an individual to become a believer. It is therefore important to deal with the following:

What is salvation?
How was, and how is salvation received?
Why do you need salvation?

What is salvation?
A non-believer needs to be aware what this very familiar word is all about. Reiterating the definition – Salvation is freedom from the power of sin. One of the most common phrases or terms one often hear is that – only salvation lasts forever. This is implying that nothing else lasts forever. You can think as hard as you can, but you will not be able to think of anything else. Knowing this, what options do you have? What is your choice?

In reference to the definition, the word “sin” is involved. One may explain sin to be acting against what is good and moral. From the definition of salvation it speaks of the “power of sin,” which is saying that sin has power, meaning it has great influence over what is bad and immoral, which inevitably spells trouble. One also sees freedom in the definition. The opposite to all this is bondage, or being restricted. If one means well for him or her self, what would be the better option here? This is naturally a rhetorical question.

How was and how is salvation received?
One might be curious to find out how salvation came about. It came about after Jesus Christ gave His life through the shedding of His blood on the cross. This effectively saved you from all your sins, because He gave His life as a sacrifice for everyone. You therefore have no need to be troubled because the price for all sins has been paid for in this manner. The only thing left for you to do is to claim it.

How do you claim this great thing called salvation? It is claimed by accepting and believing that Christ died to save you from your sins. This requires repentance and baptism, which is participating in the death and resurrection of Christ and is a symbol of cleansing and purification. It is being born again. This involves making the decision to do away with the old and sinful life and take on a new life, which is holy and acceptable to God.

Why do you need salvation?
You may ask why it was necessary for Christ to go through all this suffering for you. It was necessary because you are just not capable of consistently upholding God’s command, in order to meet His requirements for eternal life. This provision was made for you through Christ, the risen one. You are able to seek His forgiveness, through confession, when you fail in obeying His word. This is so because no one is perfect, and you are all born as sinners.

Interesting inspirations as this one, and more from daily devotional – Devotions on the ROCK. The first edition available at: in print and kindle.