Beyond the Word

Knowledge is Power


Thank him nevertheless

We not only will thank God for keeping and sustaining us in the valley, to resist temptation and deliver us out of our afflictions and trials. But, why not thank the adversary? Yes, the adversary played a part, so give him his due. Thank him nevertheless. It is a feeling of a sense of worth when someone can have so much interest in you – a worthy candidate for the adversary, trying to bring down the important. And doesn’t it feels good to know you are that important?

Today I can take the distinct opportunity, for the first time to thank Satan for the value and worth he sees in me. He has positioned me for spiritual growth and development – Satan through your advocacy against me, your lies, attempting to steal my joy and the opportunities of life, trying to rob me of eternal life, through it all I stand strong today in the Lord. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” – St. John 10:10

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” – Romans 8:28. Satan, your lies and evil works are working for my good. I am maturing and growing as a result, reaching higher heights, being enriched in the faith, undertaking greater missions and just want to do more and more and more for the Lord. You have also assisted me in knowing and understanding what it means when the adversary makes false accusations about me. It means that I am more experienced, stronger and wiser, and able to tell others what you are up to. They must watch out and don’t give in to your tricks, because you are a liar! I can also say thanks to you – I have been there and done that! Thank you also for this testimony!

Satan defeated Hallelujah! We have the victory, Hallelujah!

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Try to understand them!

There are three sets of individuals with whom you interact from time to time of which many may have an issue of being accommodative or tolerant of their behaviour or attitude, which can be overbearing at times. The first group I will describe as “the little ones” (about 5 to 9 years old), the second group are the adolescents (predomidantly teenagers) and the third are the elderly.

To be able to love and embrace these groups it comes with understanding them (but as God’s people should we not be able to love, regardless?). We may think we are showing love, but many times we are causing more harm than good. Understanding requires some knowledge of these group and why they actually operate as they do. Ironically, the elderly who were of the other two groups earlier in their lives tend to be intolerant of these folk. What we are seeing as a result of this is that the elderly/adults and adolescents at times resent each other based on what is being handed out to them. So one is not putting up with the other and vice versa, thus relationships become contentious.

What are the issues here. The elderly were brought up a certain way, to be respectful to adults, especially to the elderly, to help in the home by doing household chores and learning about womanhood or manhood. These were a given, where we are in Jamaica. For the now generation of this technological era, they are grown up by social media, the newest super star,  and what the newest technology has to offer. Thus we are faced with a generation gap – the younger generation in their corner doing their own thing – enjoying their type of music, seeking out the next fashion statement, etc., while the older folk holding their own with what they are accustomed to and feel comfortable doing. They are reluctant to try anything new.

From another perspective, there are somethings as far as being human is concerned and certain expectations of each stage of human development that we cannot escape. The “little ones” are very energetic and usually do not remain one place for too long. They get bored easily. This is what we have to tolerate. Hey! you were there at one stage of your life.

Now for the adolescence; defined by “The period of time when you physically and emotionally transition from childhood to adulthood is called adolescence. Basically it’s when you’re old enough to want to be an adult, but young enough that no one takes you seriously!” It explains further: “The noun adolescence comes from the Latin word adolescere, which means “to ripen” or “to grow up.” So it makes sense that we use it to describe that unique age when kids start growing into something closer to grown-ups. Adolescence can also refer more specifically to puberty. When you were in your adolescence, it bothered you when your parents pried into your life. But now that your kids are adolescents, you do the same thing to them”. Here we go again! Understand what is happening here? You also think that the things you were guilty of doing at their age they are now doing it, and that is part of the problem. At times they are wrongly accused.

Then, old age comes with its own challenges – ill-health, memory loss, not as strong as before, thus things are not the same as they used to be. Help is required for the most part. So those around you have to exercise patience and tolerance; understand what is happening and show some love.

Right across the board for all three groups you are called to show understanding, gently and lovingly make corrections, embrace, show some love, and notice the difference.



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When a seed is sown

A seed is sown through the proclamation of the Word – the gospel of Jesus Christ. It gets deep rooted into the soul. We recall the parable of the sower in Matthew 13 of the seed which fell along a path and bird came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky and shallow soil and among thorns and they never came to fruition.

The latter is just for mention, so therefore the focus is on that seed which obviously got anchored on a firm foundation, and unto a firm footing – not easily uprooted or easily swayed by the wind. It takes root, grows to maturity, blossoms and bear fruit. Fruit we can share and enjoy in season. From time to time the tree will need pruning enabling it to bear more fruit so it’s branches may not grow thin, sparse and unnecesarily out of control. This tree may also provide a means of  protection and shade from the heat of the sun. Its space is tranquil and peaceful.

Truly this kind of description depicts what we can become when we hear the word; it captivates, inspires and touches the depth of our soul. And as our maturity takes on many dimensions we blossom and are inspired unto good works for the sake of the kingdom, bearing fruit in enormous proportions.

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An example of God’s remarkable power

Many have heard of the great preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon (June 19, 1834- January 31, 1892). He was born in Kelvedon, Essex in the United Kingdom. Here are 25 things that are noteworthy about this extraordinary preacher of all times!  (Had to Share this shortened version from the 32 points article of a fellow blogger –; Born to reform)

1. One woman was converted through reading a single page of one of Spurgeon’s sermons wrapped around some butter she had bought.

2. Spurgeon read The Pilgrim’s Progress at age 6 and went on to read it over 100 times.

3. The New Park Street Pulpit and The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit—the collected sermons of Spurgeon during his ministry with that congregation—fill 63 volumes. The sermons’ 20-25 million words are equivalent to the 27 volumes of the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. The series stands as the largest set of books by a single author in the history of Christianity.

4. When Charles Spurgeon was only 10 years old, a visiting missionary, Richard Knill, said that the young Spurgeon would one day preach the gospel to thousands and would preach in Rowland Hill’s chapel, the largest Dissenting church in London. His words were fulfilled.

5. Spurgeon missed being admitted to college because a servant girl inadvertently showed him into a different room than that of the principal who was waiting to interview him. (Later, he determined not to reapply for admission when he believed God spoke to him, “Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not!”)

6. Spurgeon’s personal library contained 12,000 volumes—1,000 printed before 1700. (The library, 5,103 volumes at the time of its auction, is now housed at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.)

7. Before he was 20, Spurgeon had preached over 600 times.

8. Spurgeon drew to his services Prime Minister W. E. Gladstone, members of the royal family, Members of Parliament, as well as author John Ruskin, Florence Nightingale, and General James Garfield, later president of the United States.

9. When Spurgeon arrived at The New Park Street Church, in 1854, the congregation had 232 members. By the end of his pastorate, 38 years later, that number had increased to 5,311. (Altogether, 14,460 people were added to the church during Spurgeon’s tenure.) The church was the largest independent congregation in the world.

10. Spurgeon typically read 6 books per week and could remember what he had read—and where—even years later.

11. Spurgeon once addressed an audience of 23,654—without a microphone or any mechanical amplification.

12. Spurgeon began a pastors’ college that trained nearly 900 students during his lifetime—and it continues today.

13. In 1865, Spurgeon’s sermons sold 25,000 copies every week. They were translated into more than 20 languages.

14. At least 3 of Spurgeon’s works (including the multi-volume Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit series) have sold more than 1,000,000 copies. One of these, All of Grace, was the first book ever published by Moody Press (formerly the Bible Institute Colportage Association) and is still its all-time bestseller.

15. During his lifetime, Spurgeon is estimated to have preached to 10,000,000 people.

16. Spurgeon once said he counted 8 sets of thoughts that passed through his mind at the same time while he was preaching.

17. Testing the acoustics in the vast Agricultural Hall, Spurgeon shouted, “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.” A worker high in the rafters of the building heard this and became converted to Christ as a result.

18. Spurgeon spent 20 years studying the Book of Psalms and writing his commentary on them, The Treasury of David.

19. Spurgeon insisted that his congregation’s new building, The Metropolitan Tabernacle, employ Greek architecture because the New Testament was written in Greek. This one decision has greatly influenced subsequent church architecture throughout the world.

20. The theme for Spurgeon’s Sunday morning sermon was usually not chosen until Saturday night.

21. For an average sermon, Spurgeon took no more than one page of notes into the pulpit, yet he spoke at a rate of 140 words per minute for 40 minutes.

22. By accepting some of his many invitations to speak, Spurgeon often preached 10 times in a week.

23. Spurgeon had two children—twin sons—and both became preachers. Thomas succeeded his father as pastor of the Tabernacle, and Charles, Jr., took charge of the orphanage his father had founded.

24. Spurgeon spoke out so strongly against slavery that American publishers of his sermons began deleting his remarks on the subject.

25. Occasionally Spurgeon asked members of his congregation not to attend the next Sunday’s service, so that newcomers might find a seat. During one 1879 service, the regular congregation left so that newcomers waiting outside might get in; the building immediately filled again.

Source :  


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Our Gains from the Cross

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” – 1 Corinthians 1:18. This verse speaks to the fact that without faith we perish, therefore it is through faith that we are saved. Through the Holy Spirit we believe that Jesus Christ died and was raised from the dead for the remission of our sins, thus gifting us eternal life. It is by faith and the working of the Holy Spirit that Believers are empowered in understanding the wisdom and power of God and the Cross. So what do we gain today from the cross?

The wonder-working power in the blood gives us freedom from the power of sin, the outpouring of power in the blood shed at Calvary;

We are the beneficiaries of God’s goodness and grace; more grace… and more grace-giving-life in abundance, unto eternal life;

There is the Gift from the Power of the Holy Spirit from which flows love, joy, peace, endurance, kindness, goodness and faithfulness giving the power to resist temptation and to forgive despite any hurt and pain;

Thus the power and strength to endure and persevere in all circumstances;

Our sins were nailed to the cross; the pain of Jesus Christ is our gain in Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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Beyond our Intelligence

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the LordFor as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts – Isaiah 55:8-9.

Certainly, things happen and we are unable to comprehend or fathom what really took place; totally beyond our power of reasoning and capabilities; you cannot connect the pieces. Just not logical! That is what happens when the divine is at work. Tell anyone of your experience you may be viewed as being crazy or your intelligence questioned. These type of insinuations come from believers and unbelievers alike.

God moves in mysterious ways! Many times we may be placed in situations that really does not make sense; man views it as inappropriate, but God later reveals his wonders in such situations. Take for example God telling the Israelites to march around the city of Jericho once for six days and seven times on the seventh day. Makes sense? Certainly obeying such instructions you would be crazy. But guess what? In order to test your obedience, God will not give you something that you will be oh so happy and feel comfortable to do. In my view that in itself would not make sense either. Take it or leave it, the faith test or test of our obedience will be tough to do, but we sit our tests based on our faith and trust in God. He will strengthen us so to do, and there lies our testimonies.

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“In an Unworthy Manner”

“Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be answerable for the body and blood of the Lord” – 1 Corinthians 11:27. It is interesting that as Christians this part of scripture is often referred to in guiding the manner in which one participates in the Holy Communion.

Paul sets this context as he addressed the Corinthians, “When you come together, it is not really to eat the Lord’s supper. For when the time comes to eat, each of you goes ahead with your own supper, and one goes hungry and another becomes drunk. What! Do you not have homes to eat and drink in? Or do you show contempt for the church of God and humiliate those who have nothing? What should I say to you? Should I commend you? In this matter I do not commend you!

At the Lord’s Supper each appeared to be only concerned about him or herself as far as the food was concerned. But is it any different with how we behave even now when it comes to food in any kind of setting whether we are self-served or otherwise, a second helping is always fine without any thought of someone who have not yet eaten. What if one should embrace the African religion where everywhere is seen to be holy, not only in a church building. They worship anywhere because God is omnipresent, existing anywhere and everywhere. Therefore for them no matter where you partake food in the manner described by Paul, you bring condemnation on yourself.

Would it be safe to say that in this new dispensation we have a serious problem on our hands? Could it be a problem of hypocrisy? Paul’s issue with the Corinthians has been taken out of context, and so many Christians have stayed away from the Communion table for things they consider unworthy, but probably not for being gluttonous and a failure to seek out the less fortunate who may not know where the next meal is coming from. Would not Paul’s concern also apply here? We ought to be caring and sharing. Surely this unworthiness of being inconsiderate is not limited to the Holy Communion. Let us therefore examine ourselves.

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The sacrificial worship of giving

Does sacrificial giving means giving ten percent of your earning? I would hardly think so. Yes, it was the command of God of his people to give one tenth, but under the new covenant of which we now exist and based on the example of the sacrifice of the life of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, does that sacrifice comes anywhere near or in any comparison to ten percent? This sounds more like a comforting sum in giving… Only just a one tenth. Certainly not a sacrificial giving!

Do you give based on what you can afford or from your extras. If so, how could this be sacrificial? Being sacrificial, it must indeed be a worship to God –  Giving based on the leading of the Holy Spirit; making that joyful connection with God –  He ought to be the central focus of our giving; not about anyone or anything else. Ought to be a worship experience! An expression of praise and gratitude.

The New Testament demonstrates sacrificial giving. Here are a few examples: “… but she out of her poverty, put in all that she had to live on” – Luke 21:4; … and beyond their ability they gave of their own accord” – 2 Corinthians 8:3; “… and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need” – Acts 2:45. “… a woman came to Him with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume, and she poured it on His head…” – Matthew 26:7. How much more this must be explained. Based on these parts of scripture do we see anything looking like a ten percent giving? Hopefully we would have come to a better understanding of sacrificial giving.

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Men cannot Prosper outside of a Marriage relationship

Take it or leave it, men are not able to prosper outside of a committed marriage relationship, however a woman is able to stand strong, prosper and even do better than if she was in a committed marriage relationship with a man.

So men, it is in your best interest that when you find a good woman, stick with her, marry her and treat her well. This act of good sense will pay off for you in the future. That is your security! It does not matter who is the breadwinner in this scenario. This is your best security because women are better planners, they are futuristic; and men, when you are down and out because of illness, which is usually the case, it is only this good lady who will be by your side.

On the other hand, men for the most part if left on their own will end up in the cold when their working years are over. Men in general are mostly interested in cars and electronic gadgets and this article will not even get into their pitfalls from promiscuity and them not supporting their offsprings. Men never usually think much about the future such as a permanent roof for themselves or for their family. It is the woman who usually makes the first move and pulls the man along with her.

It is for these reasons that men will always need a good woman and a strong one to secure his future, no matter how much money he earns. See for yourself, it is the men who form a larger part of the population of street people and who are left abandoned at public hospitals. Men, heed this advice for a secure future. Acknowledge your weaknesses.




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Self must be satisfied at all cost!

Must get back at Pam who wronged me yesterday. She will not get away with it!

Self! … Must satisfy self!

Will malice her!… She shouldn’t have done me that!

Self!… Must be satisfied at all cost!

I will not speak to her!

Self!… Must satisfy Self!

The flesh at work!

I will not pay her any mind. She says hi… I didn’t pay her badmind!

Self!… The flesh!… Must satisfy self! Must satisfy the flesh!

Enjoy self! Enjoy the flesh!

Dabble in self! Dabble in the flesh!

It is your God-given freedom! Enjoy flesh while flesh lasts!

Self! What a tyranny on the flesh!