Beyond the Word

Knowledge is Power


Thank him nevertheless

We not only will thank God for keeping and sustaining us in the valley, to resist temptation and deliver us out of our afflictions and trials. But, why not thank the adversary? Yes, the adversary played a part, so give him his due. Thank him nevertheless. It is a feeling of a sense of worth when someone can have so much interest in you – a worthy candidate for the adversary, trying to bring down the important. And doesn’t it feels good to know you are that important?

Today I can take the distinct opportunity, for the first time to thank Satan for the value and worth he sees in me. He has positioned me for spiritual growth and development – Satan through your advocacy against me, your lies, attempting to steal my joy and the opportunities of life, trying to rob me of eternal life, through it all I stand strong today in the Lord. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” – St. John 10:10

“And we know that for those who love God all things work togetherĀ for good, forĀ those who are called according to his purpose” – Romans 8:28. Satan, your lies and evil works are working for my good. I am maturing and growing as a result, reaching higher heights, being enriched in the faith, undertaking greater missions and just want to do more and more and more for the Lord. You have also assisted me in knowing and understanding what it means when the adversary makes false accusations about me. It means that I am more experienced, stronger and wiser, and able to tell others what you are up to. They must watch out and don’t give in to your tricks, because you are a liar! I can also say thanks to you – I have been there and done that! Thank you also for this testimony!

Satan defeated Hallelujah! We have the victory, Hallelujah!