Beyond the Word

Knowledge is Power

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Try to understand them!

There are three sets of individuals with whom you interact from time to time of which many may have an issue of being accommodative or tolerant of their behaviour or attitude, which can be overbearing at times. The first group I will describe as “the little ones” (about 5 to 9 years old), the second group are the adolescents (predomidantly teenagers) and the third are the elderly.

To be able to love and embrace these groups it comes with understanding them (but as God’s people should we not be able to love, regardless?). We may think we are showing love, but many times we are causing more harm than good. Understanding requires some knowledge of these group and why they actually operate as they do. Ironically, the elderly who were of the other two groups earlier in their lives tend to be intolerant of these folk. What we are seeing as a result of this is that the elderly/adults and adolescents at times resent each other based on what is being handed out to them. So one is not putting up with the other and vice versa, thus relationships become contentious.

What are the issues here. The elderly were brought up a certain way, to be respectful to adults, especially to the elderly, to help in the home by doing household chores and learning about womanhood or manhood. These were a given, where we are in Jamaica. For the now generation of this technological era, they are grown up by social media, the newest super star,  and what the newest technology has to offer. Thus we are faced with a generation gap – the younger generation in their corner doing their own thing – enjoying their type of music, seeking out the next fashion statement, etc., while the older folk holding their own with what they are accustomed to and feel comfortable doing. They are reluctant to try anything new.

From another perspective, there are somethings as far as being human is concerned and certain expectations of each stage of human development that we cannot escape. The “little ones” are very energetic and usually do not remain one place for too long. They get bored easily. This is what we have to tolerate. Hey! you were there at one stage of your life.

Now for the adolescence; defined by “The period of time when you physically and emotionally transition from childhood to adulthood is called adolescence. Basically it’s when you’re old enough to want to be an adult, but young enough that no one takes you seriously!” It explains further: “The noun adolescence comes from the Latin word adolescere, which means “to ripen” or “to grow up.” So it makes sense that we use it to describe that unique age when kids start growing into something closer to grown-ups. Adolescence can also refer more specifically to puberty. When you were in your adolescence, it bothered you when your parents pried into your life. But now that your kids are adolescents, you do the same thing to them”. Here we go again! Understand what is happening here? You also think that the things you were guilty of doing at their age they are now doing it, and that is part of the problem. At times they are wrongly accused.

Then, old age comes with its own challenges – ill-health, memory loss, not as strong as before, thus things are not the same as they used to be. Help is required for the most part. So those around you have to exercise patience and tolerance; understand what is happening and show some love.

Right across the board for all three groups you are called to show understanding, gently and lovingly make corrections, embrace, show some love, and notice the difference.