Beyond the Word

Knowledge is Power

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When a seed is sown

A seed is sown through the proclamation of the Word – the gospel of Jesus Christ. It gets deep rooted into the soul. We recall the parable of the sower in Matthew 13 of the seed which fell along a path and bird came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky and shallow soil and among thorns and they never came to fruition.

The latter is just for mention, so therefore the focus is on that seed which obviously got anchored on a firm foundation, and unto a firm footing – not easily uprooted or easily swayed by the wind. It takes root, grows to maturity, blossoms and bear fruit. Fruit we can share and enjoy in season. From time to time the tree will need pruning enabling it to bear more fruit so it’s branches may not grow thin, sparse and unnecesarily out of control. This tree may also provide a means of  protection and shade from the heat of the sun. Its space is tranquil and peaceful.

Truly this kind of description depicts what we can become when we hear the word; it captivates, inspires and touches the depth of our soul. And as our maturity takes on many dimensions we blossom and are inspired unto good works for the sake of the kingdom, bearing fruit in enormous proportions.

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An example of God’s remarkable power

Many have heard of the great preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon (June 19, 1834- January 31, 1892). He was born in Kelvedon, Essex in the United Kingdom. Here are 25 things that are noteworthy about this extraordinary preacher of all times!  (Had to Share this shortened version from the 32 points article of a fellow blogger –; Born to reform)

1. One woman was converted through reading a single page of one of Spurgeon’s sermons wrapped around some butter she had bought.

2. Spurgeon read The Pilgrim’s Progress at age 6 and went on to read it over 100 times.

3. The New Park Street Pulpit and The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit—the collected sermons of Spurgeon during his ministry with that congregation—fill 63 volumes. The sermons’ 20-25 million words are equivalent to the 27 volumes of the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. The series stands as the largest set of books by a single author in the history of Christianity.

4. When Charles Spurgeon was only 10 years old, a visiting missionary, Richard Knill, said that the young Spurgeon would one day preach the gospel to thousands and would preach in Rowland Hill’s chapel, the largest Dissenting church in London. His words were fulfilled.

5. Spurgeon missed being admitted to college because a servant girl inadvertently showed him into a different room than that of the principal who was waiting to interview him. (Later, he determined not to reapply for admission when he believed God spoke to him, “Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not!”)

6. Spurgeon’s personal library contained 12,000 volumes—1,000 printed before 1700. (The library, 5,103 volumes at the time of its auction, is now housed at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.)

7. Before he was 20, Spurgeon had preached over 600 times.

8. Spurgeon drew to his services Prime Minister W. E. Gladstone, members of the royal family, Members of Parliament, as well as author John Ruskin, Florence Nightingale, and General James Garfield, later president of the United States.

9. When Spurgeon arrived at The New Park Street Church, in 1854, the congregation had 232 members. By the end of his pastorate, 38 years later, that number had increased to 5,311. (Altogether, 14,460 people were added to the church during Spurgeon’s tenure.) The church was the largest independent congregation in the world.

10. Spurgeon typically read 6 books per week and could remember what he had read—and where—even years later.

11. Spurgeon once addressed an audience of 23,654—without a microphone or any mechanical amplification.

12. Spurgeon began a pastors’ college that trained nearly 900 students during his lifetime—and it continues today.

13. In 1865, Spurgeon’s sermons sold 25,000 copies every week. They were translated into more than 20 languages.

14. At least 3 of Spurgeon’s works (including the multi-volume Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit series) have sold more than 1,000,000 copies. One of these, All of Grace, was the first book ever published by Moody Press (formerly the Bible Institute Colportage Association) and is still its all-time bestseller.

15. During his lifetime, Spurgeon is estimated to have preached to 10,000,000 people.

16. Spurgeon once said he counted 8 sets of thoughts that passed through his mind at the same time while he was preaching.

17. Testing the acoustics in the vast Agricultural Hall, Spurgeon shouted, “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.” A worker high in the rafters of the building heard this and became converted to Christ as a result.

18. Spurgeon spent 20 years studying the Book of Psalms and writing his commentary on them, The Treasury of David.

19. Spurgeon insisted that his congregation’s new building, The Metropolitan Tabernacle, employ Greek architecture because the New Testament was written in Greek. This one decision has greatly influenced subsequent church architecture throughout the world.

20. The theme for Spurgeon’s Sunday morning sermon was usually not chosen until Saturday night.

21. For an average sermon, Spurgeon took no more than one page of notes into the pulpit, yet he spoke at a rate of 140 words per minute for 40 minutes.

22. By accepting some of his many invitations to speak, Spurgeon often preached 10 times in a week.

23. Spurgeon had two children—twin sons—and both became preachers. Thomas succeeded his father as pastor of the Tabernacle, and Charles, Jr., took charge of the orphanage his father had founded.

24. Spurgeon spoke out so strongly against slavery that American publishers of his sermons began deleting his remarks on the subject.

25. Occasionally Spurgeon asked members of his congregation not to attend the next Sunday’s service, so that newcomers might find a seat. During one 1879 service, the regular congregation left so that newcomers waiting outside might get in; the building immediately filled again.

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Our Gains from the Cross

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” – 1 Corinthians 1:18. This verse speaks to the fact that without faith we perish, therefore it is through faith that we are saved. Through the Holy Spirit we believe that Jesus Christ died and was raised from the dead for the remission of our sins, thus gifting us eternal life. It is by faith and the working of the Holy Spirit that Believers are empowered in understanding the wisdom and power of God and the Cross. So what do we gain today from the cross?

The wonder-working power in the blood gives us freedom from the power of sin, the outpouring of power in the blood shed at Calvary;

We are the beneficiaries of God’s goodness and grace; more grace… and more grace-giving-life in abundance, unto eternal life;

There is the Gift from the Power of the Holy Spirit from which flows love, joy, peace, endurance, kindness, goodness and faithfulness giving the power to resist temptation and to forgive despite any hurt and pain;

Thus the power and strength to endure and persevere in all circumstances;

Our sins were nailed to the cross; the pain of Jesus Christ is our gain in Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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‘To the Ends of the Earth’

It is absolutey a thrill that my most popular blog to date is “How to explain Salvation to a non-believer.” My blog site is now two years and counting. In March 2015 it all started and this particular blog came a few months after, and for every continent in the world and all the countries one can think of, someone somewhere there has viewed this blog nearly everyday. Certainly there is an interest to reach others with the gospel, and they want to know how to achieve this effectively. Not taking it lightly!

It is a great and wonderful feeling to know that in this manner I could be assisting persons in their desire to reach out to the unsaved. There are so many ways we are able to witness to others whether directly or indirectly. This is a very productive and meaningful way to use technology. This is what Jesus intends: “But you’ll receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you’ll be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” Acts 1:8. Indeed, to very continent of the earth. To God be the glory!

What is it we can do with the resources and the various tools at our disposal? It is an opportunity to bring blessings to the kingdom of God. Thank God he has led me in this manner. And may God through his Holy Spirit use me even more to do wonders for his kingdom.

Second to this blog is, “Take the case and give me the pillow”. It is so people will know how to treat with the various challenges and stressors of life that tend to overcome us at times. So it is comforting to know that you can give these cases to God and in exchange he extends sweet comfort and rest as a pillow does. “Turn it over to Jesus and everything will be alright” – The Counsellor and Prince of peace. We can be a witness as a counsellor by taking time to give a lstening ear to someone; share and offer care and support. Demonstrate to others who Jesus is!

The ways of witnessing utilizing a holistic approach.