Beyond the Word

Knowledge is Power

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The Stronghold

The word stronghold when translates from the Greek form means to fortify; a fortress or strong defense. While this article wishes to focus on the stronghold mentioned in Psalm 27:1, there is a stronghold referred to in 2 Corinthians 10:4. This one speaks to the “strongholds of demons.”

But Psalm 27:1 informs us that this stronghold of demons can be demolished by the stronghold of God in our lives – “The Lord is the stronghold of my life whom shall I be afraid.” Since the Lord is the stronghold of my life then why should I fear any strongholds of demons. What power can they have over my God of divine grace and power. Truly we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but influences of the devil. He leads others in portraying negative and offensive behaviour which cause pain, hurt and sorrows in your life. And so we are not immune to those whom we are associated with who may try to hurt us or even succeed in hurting us, but nevertheless in our down times we are assured of  God’s protection and deliverance out of these circumstances. He becomes our fortress and strong defence and that fortified place of refuge that we may hide ourselves in Him – that stronghold!

Being aware of who that stronghold should be in our lives we are all set to overcome the trials and tribulations and to ward off the enemy because we know where our power rests. We must never waiver as far as our faith in God is concerned. Stand firm in whom we know we can prevail and gain our victory.

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Ministry Matters

The Greek word for “Ministry” is diakoneo, meaning “to serve” or douleuo, meaning “to serve as a slave.” Jesus is the one who sets the example of ministry in serving others as service unto God. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” – Mark 10:45.

Through the C H R I S T inspiration here is why Ministry Matters

C – Ministry Matters because it is the Christian way of life

H – Ministry Matters because Humanity depends on it

R – Ministry Matters because Relationships are formed

I – Ministry Matters because it is our means of Identity with the kingdom

S – Ministry Matters because our Salvation depends on it

T – Ministry Matters because it is the Training ground to accomplish greater things!

Interesting inspirations as this one, and more from daily devotional – Devotions on the ROCK. The first edition available at: in print and kindle.