Beyond the Word

Knowledge is Power

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Men cannot Prosper outside of a Marriage relationship

Take it or leave it, men are not able to prosper outside of a committed marriage relationship, however a woman is able to stand strong, prosper and even do better than if she was in a committed marriage relationship with a man.

So men, it is in your best interest that when you find a good woman, stick with her, marry her and treat her well. This act of good sense will pay off for you in the future. That is your security! It does not matter who is the breadwinner in this scenario. This is your best security because women are better planners, they are futuristic; and men, when you are down and out because of illness, which is usually the case, it is only this good lady who will be by your side.

On the other hand, men for the most part if left on their own will end up in the cold when their working years are over. Men in general are mostly interested in cars and electronic gadgets and this article will not even get into their pitfalls from promiscuity and them not supporting their offsprings. Men never usually think much about the future such as a permanent roof for themselves or for their family. It is the woman who usually makes the first move and pulls the man along with her.

It is for these reasons that men will always need a good woman and a strong one to secure his future, no matter how much money he earns. See for yourself, it is the men who form a larger part of the population of street people and who are left abandoned at public hospitals. Men, heed this advice for a secure future. Acknowledge your weaknesses.




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Self must be satisfied at all cost!

Must get back at Pam who wronged me yesterday. She will not get away with it!

Self! … Must satisfy self!

Will malice her!… She shouldn’t have done me that!

Self!… Must be satisfied at all cost!

I will not speak to her!

Self!… Must satisfy Self!

The flesh at work!

I will not pay her any mind. She says hi… I didn’t pay her badmind!

Self!… The flesh!… Must satisfy self! Must satisfy the flesh!

Enjoy self! Enjoy the flesh!

Dabble in self! Dabble in the flesh!

It is your God-given freedom! Enjoy flesh while flesh lasts!

Self! What a tyranny on the flesh!