Beyond the Word

Knowledge is Power

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The thing about trust

Is it honest to admit that we trust man more than we trust God? Well we may not be able to accept it until we are truly honest about it. Distrust begets distrust. But no need to feel guilty. Putting our trust in God is hard for many of us especially Christians because we are constantly in a spiritual warfare. Some of us want to dismiss Satan, the enemy, saying that we do not want to give Satan any credit, but if we do not come to this reality and accept this fact we will forever be conquered by the enemy and not realizing it is the forces of the enemy. “For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).

Think about this… It is normal for us not to trust man and in this kind of distrust such an individual is dismissed as someone we “don’t want to have anything to do with… He or she is a liar… a con artist… a thief… a nobody… Do not accept a word he says!” In Jamaica we would explicitly say, “Mi nuh trus’ him.” (meaning “I do not trust him”). Now in the scheme of things that is how we interpret lack of trust. Do we realize that this is the same message we are sending to God when we display lack of trust in him? Consider that we are made in his image; how would you feel if someone says: “I do not trust you.” We may not say it, but action speaks louder than words. We do not take his promises kindly, so we place trust in other places and other persons. Be careful Christians! Satan loves to have us on his side. He seems to win the battle most of the times!

We must come at that point of full, consistent and unconditional trust in God, no matter the circumstances against us. We must go through the fire if we are to be true followers of Christ. If we are to be Christians then we must go through the struggles, pain and suffering as he did. If you fail the test you gonna have to do it over. So get with it! It is so that we can mature and grow. Then we can say… “Been there! Done that!”