Beyond the Word

Knowledge is Power

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Be of Your Own Mind

So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God – Romans 12:14. And we might also add… “So therefore be of your own mind.” Because to say, “It is Eve who caused me to do it or say it,” is shallow ground to stand on. It did not work for Adam and it will never work for anyone, because we remain accountable to God for our actions.

Even as Christians we can be led astray by bad influence of not only unbelievers, but fellow believers. And what is the common ground for this? Gossip. Many times out of self-centeredness. And who are the victims of this? The faithful ones in ministry. Somehow we cry out about Christians who are not involved in the ministry of Christ, but at the same time those who are involved most times are severely criticized. This could be the reason many are not interested to get involved.

But Saints of Christ, should we be surprised? No. Because as Christians in a similar manner that Christ was opposed and persecuted we must expect the same. Even from our own. They not only discredit your involvement in ministry, but accuse you of what they are. Often the character and image of individuals are torn apart and hate develops for someone whom the other person do not even know. The story is swallowed… everything… hook, line, and sinker. No questions asked. A major campaign is launched against you, as the objective is that you must get discouraged… must go down. And then you should not wonder about other persons hostility towards you.

In the scheme of things people generally give themselves away by the questions they ask or they come with arguments that cause the antennas to go up automatically … “Where did this come from?” You ask yourself. Unconsciously they even start to relate things that someone else said and then the particular arguments become common within a certain clique… Then and there you pick up that you have been a major subject of discussion – All about gossiping and not being smart. God works like that sometimes in revealing your enemies.

Therefore as men and women what are we called to be? …sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. … likewise be reverent in behavior, not slanderers… Teach what is good, Titus 2:2-3. You hate others and develop the wrong perception of others on your own account, not on the account of your gossip partners or clique. They will have to give their own account.