Beyond the Word

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The bride and bridegroom affair

Your future bridegroom has proposed and you happily accepted his long anticipated proposal. Now, as his future bride you have wasted no time in making plans for this big day. You have informed family members and close associates and you have presented to them an official invitation for the occasion of your big wedding day. You are very excited, family members are excited and plans are in high gear. With the support of your future bridegroom he has given you the go ahead to make your preferences and do what you think best to make this day a memorable one for you most of all.

As God’s people we have all been extended with a proposal to be with our bridegroom for that great wedding feast. Some have accepted; some have not made up their minds, while others have rejected this proposal. Those who have accepted are His future bride, otherwise called the church. As the bride in waiting, some are in high spirit about this marriage and happily inform family members, friends and associates, and have offered them an official invitation for this big wedding day. The other brides to be have kept this event to themselves. Persons around them know that they have accepted this proposal to get married, but these future brides are not so excited for family members, friends and others to share in their marriage ceremony. They could not care less. If they turn up it is up to them.

So, many are generally excited and over the moon in the moments of your earthly marriage proposals. For the most part the date for the wedding is set, and you eagerly look forward to this big day to walk up that aisle. On the contrary, the heavenly bridegroom has not set a date for the wedding day, so at the time of accepting his proposal he tells the future bride to make the necessary plans and preparation for this glorious event as he will make his appearance at any moment. He commissioned the bride to use this time in waiting to invite as many people as possible to share in this wedding feast. As she waits she is also asked to live a life exemplary of the future bridegroom, and prepare others so that they may also make the necessary preparations to ensure their participation for this big event.

As a bride how long would you be able to wait on the arrival of your bridegroom to get the marriage ceremony going. Note this, usually it is the bridegroom who waits on the bride to arrive. If it is the other way around, then the possibility exists that you are waiting in vain and this is all an illusion. But as Saints of Christ you know in whom you ought to place total trust, knowing that your bridegroom is always faithful to you. So you are never ready to throw in the towel, as all that is required of you is to continue doing the work he has left for you to do; be on alert; always be in a state of readiness and maintain that love affair and relationship with him, your future bridegroom, so you will not be caught off-guard when the trumpet call is made, and Christ takes his bride, the church, for the great wedding feast in heaven. So, no need to worry or fret, your future bridegroom is never a let down. His faithfulness and his promises never come an end. He will turn up!

“…for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready;…for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints… Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” – Revelation 19:7-9.